Do you want to sing big choral works in a highly respected choir?
• You have previous experience in performing as a singer and good note reading skills
• You have taken voice lessons and you are determined to further develop your skills as a singer
• You are able to commit to contributing to the choir for the long run
We encourage everyone who is interested in singing in a choir to get in touch. The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 18-21. We have performances about five times a year.
Next auditions: fall ´24
Auditions can also be arranged on rehearsal evenings upon request.
In the auditions we ask you to sing a piece of your choice (e.g. Lied or aria) without accompaniment. We will also test your vocal range with vocal exercises, as well as your ability to hear and repeat the correct pitch. A short prima vista is also included. In addition to the Artistic Director, 1-5 members of the Music Committee will be present.
Please sign up for auditions by sending an email to
Welcome to our fabulous choir!
Tilaisuus järjestetään 24.9. klo 18.00-19.00. Harjoitukset pidetään Meritullin Seurakuntatalolla, Helsingissä.
Tapahtuman aikana pääset osallistumaan kuoroharjoituksiin ja laulamaan Verdin Requiemin kuoro-osuuksia yhdessä kuoromme kanssa. Tila on rajallinen, ja ryhmän maksimikoko on 15 henkilöä. Ilmoittaudu vierestä olevasta painikkeesta AVOIMET OVET-tapahtumaan.
Follow us on Instagram @helsinginfilharmoninenkuoro